
Available Telescopes
f [mm]
D [mm]
Maksutov-Newton Skywatcher Explorer MN 190mm 1000 190 5.3
ED Refractor Skywatcher Evostar 72
ED Refractor
Televue Pronto
Skyliner 350P SynScan 1500
355 4.5
Wide-Field Refraktor
Bresser Teleskop AC 102/460 460
Tasco Optics

Skywatcher 8" Maksutov-Newton

D = 190 mm, f = 1000 mm
on Skywatcher EQ6 mount

The Maksutov-Newton telescope is a so-called catadioptric system, i.e. it consists of a mirror and a correction lens. In order to bring the light reflected from the spherical main mirror into focus the telescope aperture has a meniscus lens which corrects for spherical aberration of the mirror. The centre of the aperture lens carries a flat secondary mirror. This design doesn't need the support structure (called spider) for the secondary, hence it does not produce the diffraction spikes that are normally caused by the spider. The Maksutov-Newton Is thus featured by an excellent imaging performance.

The tripod of the EQ6 mount has been replaced by a pillar support, onto which two power supplies for all instruments (including the 14" Dosbon, s.b.) have been glued (!). The mount can handle a weight of 20 kg, hence more telescopes can be attached to the counter-weight axis (s.b.) without deteriorating the tracking or auto-guiding.

Skywatcher Evostar 72 APO Refractor

D = 72 mm, f = 420 mm, f/6
with William 1.0x Field Flattener

Televue Pronto ED Refractor

D = 70 mm, f = 480 mm
with Coronado SolarMax II 60 mm Hα, mainly used for observations of the sun.

Tasco Optics Refractor

D = 76 mm, f = 1200 mm
Year of manufacture ca. 1970

Bresser Messier AC 102/460

Refractor, Achromat (2 lenses)
D = 102 mm, f = 460 mm

Skywatcher Evostar 72 and Televue Pronto ED refractors on the counter-weight axis. Both refractors can be precisely adjusted parallel to the main telescope. The Evostar 72 in RA and DEC, the Televue Pronto in DEC (which is entirely sufficient for observations of the sun).

Close-up view of the mounts of the two refractors. These mounts are tightly connected to the counter-weight axis.

Skywatcher Skyliner 350P SynScan

D = 355 mm, f = 1500 mm

This Dobson telescope is mounted on rails with an adjustable carriage, on which it can easily be pulled out of the shed. The park position was chosen such that the finder and focuser are pointing backwards, to avoid bumping. The telescope is mainly being used for visual observations, but if equipped with the ZWO ASI 178MC it can be used for photography of the planets and the moon.

Here one can see one of the three levelling screws.

The collapsed telescope.
Everything neatly stored!

When operating the telescope, the inner part of the rail can be folded outward, to avoid an obstacle inside the shelter. The carrying plastic wheels have been turned so accurately that they have no backlash on the rail. Together with the solid construction of the telescope (s.a.), this ensures a stable adjustment of this beautiful instrument.